"God is dead", is the principle, the basis, by which today's liberals or socialists, two sides of the same coin, prefer the title "progressives" [pretentiously], as if this name were more impressive, tout their doctrine of political correctness. Political correctness, a phrase first used under the Communist Party back in the 1930's and 40's, has been revived. It has been revived to create a new world order.
Liberals believe in nothing, because they believe that everything is relative. Absolutes, for them are non-existent. By denying the knowledge of objective truth and reality, postmodernists [liberals] leave no options for themselves other than to constantly be in doubt. Doubt, is ceaseless for them. Not one single word has any meaning, because for them there is no right or wrong only opinion, so for the liberal, everything, every thought in the end, serves no purpose what-so-ever. Everything is determined and dependant on what the meaning of "is" is. liberalism is a belief in nothingness. Even liberalism is nothing in and of itself. Even their own rhetoric is up to personal and universal interpretation over and over again because when in the end there is never, and never can be a conclusion. What a dreadful state! If there is a hell on earth this would be it.
What is "right" for me is not necessarily "right" for anyone else. Even the thing that is "right for me" or "for you" for that matter, is up for speculation. . In other words everything you or I say, do, or believe, about me, you, anything, about the world, the stars, man, the environment, philosophy, history, music, poetry, or God Himself, anything, in the end is meaningless, because it is all relative.
No matter how much they yell, or protest, or demand, or insist. No matter their experience, their knowledge, their efforts in anything and everything in their lives is pointless. Their nihilism allows their "lives" to be no more than a mere continuance.
For liberals, even their own lives are relative;"Am I really here? "If there are no absolutes in this world does it really matter what I believe, does it make any difference? If everything is simply a matter of opinion, then even murder is not murder. Murder is a term used by law to describe a particular crime, a law that has been broken. Dostoevsky said; "If there is no God, everything is permissible, even murder".
How can life be defined if everything is simply a point of view. A point of view in itself is irrelevant. Irrelevant because their are no absolutes. A point of view, an opinion, has no real value. They are useless. So then, at the end of the day, what is our purpose in life? For the liberal, pleasure is the purpose, and pleasure alone. "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die".
Political Correctness, those loathsome canons to which liberals bow before, are to liberals what the Bible is to the Christian, the infallible work of God, but who is god to the postmodernists of today to whom they may give glory if, for them, the God of the Bible is truly dead? Interesting question. We will see.
Liberals are Communists at heart. Communism had a rough start at its inception. A group of people gathered together in Frankfurt Germany at the Frankfurt school, it conceived the idea of Political Correctness in order to spread communism faster. The purpose of communism was to do what it believed the individual needed and could not do for themselves. The communist government thought by making everyone equal in everything; same house, same wages, same ownership of property, etc., everyone would be happy and this would be the beginning of a new world. Since the individual did not have the ability to control himself he needed the government to step in. The government knew how to create a new world where there would be no more sickness, crime, war, greed, poverty, etc. People brought these problems on themselves, they thought; not by sin, but by selfishness and petty jealousy's [a contradiction in terms of sin]. If the government took care of us then they would provide all we needed to live. Everyone would have everything they could ever need or want, so they thought. If people could not or would not change for themselves then the government would force them by mandate, by law and by fear.
The devil was very patient to get what he wanted from us, being clever in his own way, in order to bend us to his will. The communist party, his descendants, would do the same, eventually becoming very patient themselves if they were to achieve what they wanted from their people. Time was not of the essence. Changing thinking people into pawns was at hand. The communist government needed to be subtle. It is easier to catch flies with honey rather than vinegar. No rebellion was wanted here. Their real purpose was not to serve the people. Not to create unity and equality, but to secure power, to subordinate and control. This is the ultimate goal of liberalism, the new socialists, the new society.
As of yet we do not have communism, per se, in this country, but her ignoble son is celebrated unabashed; Socialism. It did not just spring up all of a sudden either at first. It crept in, much like it did in the Soviet Union. Today it is accepted in this country by most people. They do not recognize it, or they do not admit it, but it is happening before their eyes, because either they are not educated to see it, they are unwilling to see it, or spiritually blinded by that pernicious sin, pride . Regardless, the attack is now prominent.
Political correctness, and relativism is the new morality. Today, most liberals are not so patient as their comrades of deceptive change were. If one law fails they want passed they cry "unfairness", "bigotry", "racism", "homophobia", "chauvinism", "discrimination", "sexism", "intolerance", or whatever is next in their banter list. They spew "freedom of speech", but they are always the ones that cry the loudest until they get what they want and force laws, by threat if necessary, that have been victoriously won by the people who voted for them, to be over turned. So you see "freedom of speech" is not for all, just all liberals, and only them. To hell with the law! To hell with what the people want! To hell with the Republic! To hell with freedom! These things only apply to liberals and their ilk. Hypocrisy! To thine own self be true!
Rules!? rules, you say? That is the beauty of relativism. The only "rules" there are is that there is none. How convenient.
Even their own better not betray them or show any possibilities of betrayal. When President Barack Obama picked moderates [simply another name for liberal] to his cabinet, and not pure liberals, his liberal cohorts wanted his head on a stick.
Inspired by this new communist technique, Mao Tse Tung, in the 1930s, wrote an article concerning "correct" handling of contradictions among the people. "Sensitivity training", "Anger management"– sound familiar? ...and speech mores were born.
The evil [evil: Satan, refers to a real being, as in; the evil one, Beelzebub, the beast, the father of the lies and not the new definitions the neo-cons have given it] of liberalism has infiltrated every social, legal and religious organization: Hollywood, science, the media, the judicial system, government; it sabotages the school system and indoctrinates our children. Their agenda is even in most kids movies, and all over television . It invades our homes and destroys our culture. The citizens of this nation are increasingly censoring themselves and losing their freedom of speech out of fear of Political Correctness control.7
The irony behind Americas saviors, the "progressives", is that they demand "tolerance", and instead of taking responsibility for their actions they have replaced, self-restraint, responsibility, and morality with "rights", "blame", "amorality", and "isms" or "phobias". They are "wolfs in sheep's clothing", depraved with insincerity. They are the ones who created these problems in the first place. They found intolerance where there was none. They were the ones who found sexism where none existed, they were the ones and are the ones who are the most intolerant, intolerant of those who do not pamper their childish insecurities and paranoia and give in to their self serving agendas.
It is liberals who are the most prejudiced, bigoted, and discriminating of all. They are the instigators, the predecessors to most of, if not all of this countries social and moral dysfunctions today. Everyone must bow to their will, even the neo-cons have betrayed true conservatism to accommodate them. Liberals hide behind the poor, they hide behind racial equality, they hide behind equal rights for women, they hide behind so-called intolerance. They accuse us of hatred in order to hide their disdain, their own hatred for traditional values and those who proclaim it and appose their agenda. Liberalism does not exist today to better our society; it exists much like the reasons the Soviet Union was a proponent of political correctness, socialism, and finally communism. Its over-all goal is the acquisition of power.
Liberals refuse to accept that the greater the freedom the less there will be equality. The more the equality the less the freedom. How can you be free if everyone is the same? As the reverse is true as well. History has shown that this form of government does not work. it does not work because the government must take by force moneys or property the individual does not give voluntarily. It limits freedom and frustrates creativity. Either you are equal or free you can not have both. When you understand freedom you understand individualism, or is it the other way around? The true lover of truth, the true individualist, is neither to the extreme of anarchy nor to the extreme of collectivism. He is a free thinker. He is self reliant. He loves the idea of choosing for himself, he finds great satisfaction in doing for himself. He is God fearing and believes God's providence reigns over mankind with unchanging morality giving to mankind stewardship over all the earth; that man is above all living creatures, superior to all else as it was made to serve him. Not to abuse our control, mind you, but to use the land and life on this planet for sustenance and in other ways as we see fit with wisdom, kindness, and decency. To rank all other forms of life to be akin to humanity is obsession to madness and atheistic. With the absence of God we remove the sanctity of mankind and reduce him to a being without a salvific soul.
In regards to the past, to be sure, it was not perfect in any sense, but the past ills were replaced by new and much worse ills produced by a new way of thinking, a new regime. Today's society reeks of the Spirit of Anti-Christ. The medicine being worse than the cure.
Leave it Beaver, Father knows best, The Danny Thomas Show, and the like, were not there to tell how people are, as the mendacious of today would have us believe, but what we ought to be. They were examples to set our sites towards perfection. The past may have been naive in some things but they new what would destroy society, the slow progressive erosion of morality. Movies were lessons of innocence, heroism, acts of goodness, chivalry, good fellowship, true romance. They were thought provoking and honest, simpler, modest, love of neighbor, setting examples for the times. Today the opposite is true. Instead of the movies setting an example for the public, the public dictates what the standard for movies should be, vulgar, selfish, love of self, violently grotesque, and agenda laced with political correctness.
These kind of movies are demonic. "This is what people want to see!", they tell us. No this is what liberalism has conditioned society to want. Distract the people with bread and circuses while they plot and connive and steal their lives right behind our backs. This is the content of most movies today infusing in them the stench that pollutes our minds and blackens our soul.
Finally, the question was asked earlier: To whom do liberals give glory? Well, all we need to do is go back to the beginning, that is, the beginning the Bible. We read in Genesis that the devil told eve-"If you eat of the fruit of the tree you will become gods", and he was right. To disobey God is to put ones self above Him. To make ourselves God. So the answer to the question is quite simple-man.Your servant in Christ
T. Potter
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